Rotherham Probus Club is a not for profit Club.
There is an annual subscription fee which will helps cover costs of room hire and for guest speakers.
The annual subscription is agreed every year at the AGM and is currently £60 for the year. The cost of membership remains the same this year as last year.
Entry to each of the talks is free for members.
Tea and coffee is provided before each talk. Members pay a small charge which is recommended at 50p per person.
Throughout the year mini outings are organised. Where there is an admission charge this is additional. Many of these outings are free.
Once a year all members come together and celebrate at the Annual Dinner. The cost this year is £22 per person. This includes a 3 course meal and one glass of wine. The cost of the meal may fluctuate as costs rise year on year.
There is also a raffle. All proceeds are donated to Charity. This years Charity is the Rotherham Macular Society
Sitwell Park Golf Club: Annual Dinner